Well, the NASN Primary Sports Nutritionist at Mueller College went so well on September 29th and 30th that we have immediately scheduled another one at Mueller on December 1st and 2nd. If you feel like you wanted to go but, the timing wasn't right, now is your chance!
Become a NASN Licensed Sports Nutritionist
National Seminars
December 1st & 2nd, 2012
San Diego, CA Free Resting Metabolic Test through Indirect Calorimetry for those who Register early! (a $100 value)
8 student minimum to hold seminar
Mueller College 123 Camino de la Reina, North Building San Diego, Ca 92108
"Providing sufficient deviation from habitual intake appears to be an important factor in determining the success of additional protein in enhancing muscle and strength gains from resistance training. An increase in dietary protein favorably effects muscle and strength during resistance training." Review Dietary protein to maximize resistance training: a review and examination of protein…
This content is for NASN Certificate Renewal members only. Register here.
Okay, here is our government dollars at work in the science of supplementation and how it effects consumers. Is it money well spent? You Decide… Click Here for their newsletter. http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=xcmnpdeab&v=001IgkAmL3YG5vxR4qOOzVErTlw4zXOUhV4X5kO_Tp4sFuvdRZMnnLPPVpL5vvyfSQlSBqBSsI9IUOg0q3CjaMVmTD7VeU81b5do2yMTKORW4da91EIdACztlsLEXHJNm8bPt_gI0SdRn8%3D…
This content is for NASN Certificate Renewal members only. Register here.
I love it when research proves what I already thought to be true. Sometimes the original is just the best. Research article A buffered form of creatine does not promote greater changes in muscle creatine content, body composition, or training adaptations than creatine monohydrate Jagim AR, Oliver JM, Sanchez A, Galvan E, Fluckey J, Riechman S, Greenwood M, Kelly K, Meininger C, Rasmussen C,…
This content is for NASN Certificate Renewal members only. Register here.
Hey, this post on The TriSystem Method shows the List of RDA values on Food Packaging. Did you ever want to know how much of a nutrient was actually in the food rather than some percentage of the RDA? Well here is the info: http://trisystem.info/pros/bookmark-this-fda-food-labeling-guide/
For members only! We have a new Members Only Area called the NASN Professional Research Group. These posts require at least Professional Membership. The group shares cutting edge research and colabirates on mangaging clientele, developing menus and strategies for fatloss, lean gain, performance and recovery from exercise…
This content is for NASN Certified Personal Trainer, NASN Licensed Primary Sports Nutritionist, NASN Licensed Master Sports Nutritionist, NASN Licensing Instructor, and NASN Certificate Renewal members only. Register here.
After years of confusing websites, frontpage, straight HTML and broken links, we have finally streamlined and simplified the NASN Website to make it easier for our members and those new to the National Association of Sports Nutrition. We hope you like it! Tell us what yoy think!