Tag Archives: muscle building

DMAA’s Demise

DMAA is losing steam in the world of sports nutrition. Various bans throughout Europe and in Australia have pushed the ingredient off the market globally, while warning letters and negative press in the United States have prompted large retailers to shift focus to less controversial merchandise.

But what of the core consumer? What do bodybuilders and physique enthusiasts have to say about DMAA's demise? Would it have been better to leave DMAA's existence to the whims of the free market or was regulatory intervention necessary?


Your Body Reacts to Changes in Protein Intake

"Providing sufficient deviation from habitual intake appears to be an important factor in determining the success of additional protein in enhancing muscle and strength gains from resistance training. An increase in dietary protein favorably effects muscle and strength during resistance training." Review     Dietary protein to maximize resistance training: a review and examination of protein…

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Creatine Monohydrate is still One of the Best!

I love it when research proves what I already thought to be true.  Sometimes the original is just the best. Research article     A buffered form of creatine does not promote greater changes in muscle creatine content, body composition, or training adaptations than creatine monohydrate Jagim AR, Oliver JM, Sanchez A, Galvan E, Fluckey J, Riechman S, Greenwood M, Kelly K, Meininger C, Rasmussen C,…

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