
Keeping Your License or Certification Current

Your license must be renewed annually. Renewal of license is contingent upon maintenance of 100 counseling/training hours per year and proof of three continued education credits in current issues in sports nutrition every two years.

Primary License Renewal: Correspondence continuing education (CEC) courses are provided by the following institutions:

  • 1. Human Kinetics – In order to meet your renewal requirements through this CEC provider, choose courses within the next year totaling 3 CEC’s. You may take any course listed in their online catalog as long as they are relevant, contemporary topics related to sports nutrition counseling.
  • 2. ** New courses or courses not from the above NASN Approved providers must be verified acceptable by the NASN. The review process includes submission of course curriculum, objectives and exam. CEC value will be judged on course depth, seminar time and/or estimated study hours to complete the course. Completion of other courses must be verified through the NASN. Please contact the NASN if you have questions about new courses or course providers.
  • 3. ** Your counseling hours must be verified through your licensing instructor. Verification is accomplished in writing by your immediate supervisor or through client records if in private practice.

For Personal Trainer Renewal, you only have to renwew your certificates before the time indicated on your certificate with the gold seal.

CEC Requirements:
2 year certification – 3 CECs
3 year certification – 6 CECs
4 year certification – 6 CECs

For Master License Renewal, as well as Licensing Instructor Renewal, please contact the National Association of Sports Nutrition directly.

Click here to renew.

For Valkyrie MembersĀ  Click here to renew

One thought on “Renew”

  1. Wow! It’s so easy to renew now. Do it once and it happens automatically. The locator list has helped me get new clients! The access to software and mentoring is amazing. I look forward to the new Sports Nutrition Concierge service for providing supplements to my clients.

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