The Future of Health and Fitness will be Led by

Skilled Metabolic Practitioners!

The Problem:  There are more health and fitness businesses than ever and many are failing and closing their doors every day because,  what they are doing is not working!

  • In an over-saturated market, many good trainers are struggling to get people in the doors because there is nothing that quickly distinguishes them from others doing the same thing.  
  • It's difficult enough to get a client, it's even harder to get them to stick to it and get results.  Most people think it is too hard and fail.  They fail because they aren't doing what works for them.
  •  Stiff competition for clients compounded by a high dropout rate makes keeping the doors open less likely than ever.  The truth is most people fail at traditional nutrition and fitness programs.

FACT: 50% of those who start a fitness plan QUIT within 6 months and

98% of those that are initially successful FAIL to maintain those results.

Learn How:  Pre-qualify to receive this valuable information that tells you exactly how and why.

  • Do you want to secure the best chances for a successful career?
  • Do you want to quickly distinguish yourself as a great practitioner, able to charge more for your services because you are in demand?
  • Do you want to be a cutting-edge nutritionist familiar with the latest research, providing better service and results than any others in the industry? 
  • Do you want to be recognized as the best by achieving better results for your clients than anyone else?
  • Do you want to really make an impact on the health and fitness of those you touch?

Step 1: An 8 Week Foundational Course

  • Video Lessons that Progress at Your Pace!
  • Your own Private Student Group on Facebook!
  • Direct Interaction with your own  Nationally Recognized Personal Instructor in our Virtual Classroom!

You have to start from the start and that's what we do, clarifying the fundamentals in personal training and nutrition coaching.  We put the personal back into personal training with the scientific basis turned into practical application with evaluation, program development and result building retention tools.  It starts with your personal instructor and coach guiding you through the process.  Our 4 week intensive Personal Training Certification Course is separated into Resistance Training, Fitness Evaluation and Health Advocate modules.

We Put the "Personal" Back into Personal Training with Specific Interaction with our NASN Instructors!

Then, during the 5th to 8th week, our distance learning course switches to our Primary Sports Nutrition License, giving you the tools to cross the dietary obstacles and barriers that have been holding your clients back.  Learn to determine exact food plans that integrate with exercise , activity and lifestyle.  Learn how to work with food intolerances, allergies and medical conditions that limit food choices.  

Course Outline and Learning Objectives

At the end of your 8 weeks, you'll be ready for your seminar board exams and practical demonstration.   The next Seminar is at the...

International Conference

(more info)

Metabolic Health Practitioner Certification
(more info)

Ask to Speak to a specialist about our complete package

Seats are limited!

Step 2: A Conference Seminar Experience Where You Will Discover...

  • 1
    You've mastered the course material you've just learned through written and practical exams Your instructors will help you at this incredible live event. Learn from the leading experts in the world speaking at the Society for Metabolic Health Practitioners Conference.
  • 2
    Why S.Ma.R.T. and natural eating provide a potent behavior combination driving a productive health and fitness plan that reinforces the generation of more clients, when you need them, through certification and licensing course completion.
  • 3
    Step-by-step strategies you can implement in your life  and your clientele for significant, rapid and ongoing results - based on 5 decades of case studies and indisputable scientific evidence. Completing this education week successfully establishes you as NASN Metabolic Practitioiner, NASN Certified Personal Trainers and NASN Licensed Primary Sports Nutritionists!

**Special price for those already pre-paid for the San Diego conference.**

Featured Instructors

Dr. Vincent (Ben) Bocchicchio

The author of 15 Minutes to FITNESS: Dr. Ben's SMaRT Plan for Diet and Total Health, Dr. Vincent (Ben) Bocchicchio, double Phd., has been an innovator and leader in the fields of fitness, exercise, and health since the 1970's.

Jeff Kotterman, LMSN

Jeff Kotterman is the Director of the National Association of Sports Nutrition and the founder of the TriSystem Health Network.  He specializes in breaking health,  performance and fitness plateaus since 1986. 

Step 3: After the Seminar, Put it all Together Through our Business Mentorship and Mastermind...

We structure a real life learning environment where you can apply what you've learned working within an established medically supervised center and work towards building your own professional practice, modeling what you've learned for success and positioning yourself and your business for sustainability, stability and growth with continuous monthly meetings, strategy sessions and ongoing education.

©  National Association of Sports Nutrition. All rights Reserved